Pregnancy can be very taxing on the mother's body.
Hormonal changes, mood swings and other changes are just a few of the adjustments.
Pampering the new mother with a pregnancy massage can not only
help relieve the stress of growing a new life, but help improve the health of the mother and baby.
Making some time to regularly have a massage could make a big difference to the experience of pregnancy and labour.
Dana worked as a labour ward midwife, taught pregnancy classes both NHS and NCT and also promoted maternal, infant and child health in the community as a General Practice Health visitor for Grampian Primary Care Trust.
In 1993 she studied basic massage and went on to study many courses in complementary health including Reflexology, Infant Massage Instruction and Massage in Pregnancy. She also played a part in the setting up in the North East of Scotland of training for professionals in infant massage instruction.
To get the best from your experience you can choose a full body massage or focus on problem area like hips and back or for ultimate relaxation why not combine massage with another therapy such as reflexology or head massage?

Some Benefits that Mothers may experience
* Easing of aches and pains due to body changes
* Reduction of stress on weight-bearing joints
* Improved outcome of labor and easing of labor pain
* Reduced swelling in hands, feet and ankles
* Lessened sciatic pain
* Easing of muscular discomforts in areas like the low back, neck and calf cramps
* Helps with tension and tightening that can be experienced throughout the body
* Toning loose muscles relaxing tense muscles and helping to increase flexibility
* Help with relaxation and in turn, insomnia
* Increase of blood and lymph flow helping to increase the elimination of toxins via the circulatory and lymphatic systems, this can also help with fatigue
* Strengthening of the immune system
* Stimulation of endorphin release, the body's natural pain killers
* Relief of anxiety or depression
* Helping the increase of blood circulation, meaning more oxygen and nutrients for mother and baby
* Support with physical and emotional strains of motherhood
* Can be used during the birth and after making both experiences easier and more comfortable
There are many more possible benefits!
This list will hopefully give you an idea of how beneficial massage might be during pregnancy.
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Dana Blyth Therapies